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Sunday, 29 May 2016

30 years of AIDS-Meeting to Review and Look Forward

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), Y R Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education (YRG care) and Indian Community Welfare Organization (I.C.W.O.)had organised the 30 years of AIDS Meeting to review and look forward on 28st May 2016 at ICSA Centre, Jivana Jothi, Egmore, Chennai. Mr.A.J.Hariharan, Secretary ICWO welcomed the gathering and he briefed about the objective of the program. He started his speech with the Quote of Martin Luther King Jr- “The time is always right to do what is right” he mentioned that today’s efforts are to bring all those who tremendously contributed to stop the HIV infection and to revert the epidemic. He said the main purpose of today’s meet is to recognize the efforts of the experts who have courageously worked for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Tamil Nadu.He concluded saying that we all should join hands to ensure Zero New HIV infection and to provide a quality of life for people infected with HIV in Tamil Nadu.Thiru.S.Natarajan I.A.S, Project Director Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TNSACS) in his inaugural address said this is a privilege to attend the workshop in the title of “30 years of AIDS”, TANSACS envisages a scenario where no individual would acquire the new HIV infection and every person living with HIV/AIDS have access to quality care and lives with dignity. A video Tribute to Dr.Suniti Solomon and A Video on HIV Vaccine status was screened.
Mr.A.K.Srikrishnan, Research Manager, YRG care, delivered a speech on 30 years of AIDS work in Tamil Nadu from YRGCare’s perspective (Response to AIDS Epidemic in Tamil Nadu).He mentioned the future will be focused on HIV vaccine. We can proudly say that we are in 91st position in the world on HIV prevalence. He particularly mentioned that HIV vaccine is only few years away. Chief Guest Thiru.S.Natarajan, I.A.S, Project Director ,Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TNSACS) released the Poster and A Video documentation of 30 years of AIDS.The posters were received by DR.N.Kumarasamy, Mr.Ganesh-YRG Care Mr.A.Bakthavatchalam, Dr.Kuganandhan, Mr.Benjamin Franklin, Dr.Usman, Dr.Radha Krishnan, Ms. Esther MariaSelvam and Ms.Saulina Arnold. Mr.Thamburaj, YRG Care delivered the vote of thanks.Memento for the invitees was distributed by DR.N.Kumarasamy and Ms.Saulina Arnold. Overall 160 participants participated in the program. Indian Community Welfare Organisation, functions at AP-216, 18th Main Road, 'I' Block, 6th Street,Vallalar Colony, Anna Nagar West, Chennai.For details contact 044-26184392, 65515742.


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