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Saturday, 3 December 2016

Younger generation has to spread the awareness

World AIDS Day 2016 was observed by ICWO on 30th November 2016. Indian Community Welfare Organisation is a Non Governmental Organisation working in various developmental projects with special focus to women and children for the past 21 years in Chennai. The Chief Guest Ms.Shyamala Ashok, Executive Director, United Way of Chennai, spread rays of hope by lighting a huge candle. Release of Poster-1 was by Dr.P.Kuganantham, Consultant, SIMS Hospital, Former UNICEF/CDC Program Officer-AIDS, Former City Health Officer, Chennai Corporation and Release of Poster-2 was by Rtn.Dr. R.Venkatakrishnan, Advisor, Community Health City, Rotary District 3230. Speaking on the occasion Ms. Shyamala Ashok, Executive Director, United Way of Chennai said I started working on HIV/ AIDS Prevention from 1997. On the contribution made by various stake holders, the HIV Prevention and Care programme is sustainable in Tamil Nadu. Even though the Stigma and Discrimination against PLHIV came down, we need to still focus on the same to ensure a life with dignity for people living with HIV in India.
Speaking on the occasion Mr.A.J.Hariharan, Secretary of ICWO said that (Theme: Leadership, Commitment, Impact) Getting to Zero is not an easy task which needs a commitment for different stake holder and it is possible with the support of different stakeholders. ICWO is committed to take up this campaign for next 4 years in collaboration with various stake holders, and agencies to achieve the goal. He also said that it is extremely important to invest time and resources in young people to educate and to protect themselves, and not to discriminate people with HIV AIDS. He finally added saying that we need to keep the prevention tempo and ensure zero new HIV infection.
Dr.P.Kuganantham, Consultant, SIMS Hospital, Former UNICEF/CDC Program Officer AIDS, Former City Health Officer, Chennai Corporation, said AIDS is not a killer disease; AIDS is a chronic aliment like diabetes and hypertension. Younger generation has to spread the awareness to achieve HIV zero infection. Rtn.Dr.R.Venkatakrishnan, Advisor, Community Health City, Rotary District 3230, said Rotary Clubs have a long term commitment in creating awareness on HIV/AIDS. Rotary Clubs have initiated various programs educating general public in specific focus with young people to protect themselves from HIV infection. Ms. Aradhana Sharon, IVth Std, ‘A’ Sec, Chennai Public School, Anna Nagar delivered the special speech on “HIV infection and youth”. Aradhana assured to spread awareness to bring down the HIV new infection.

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